Monday, March 13, 2006

Good Things Have Happened..Do Wacka Do

It is hard to believe so much time has passed. I look in the mirror and still see this girl. Life has been good. This little girl has grown up (well, she got bigger) and has gone on to have three beautiful children, eight beautiful grandchildren and a job she loves and feels passionate about. Yes, life has been good! And, what says it better than Do Wacka Do!


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful little girl

Anonymous said...

Yes, gamma, you're funny! And cute! Time goes on, furniture gets old....I stay young! It's true!

Judy Roo said...

thank you joe....what a nice thing to say.......

Judy Roo said...

sarah......laughing...thank you...I love when you remind me of things I have said in the is still true too......time goes gets old...and I stay young....still true and I hope it will be for a long long time....

Anonymous said...

Oh my, I thought I was looking at an old family photo. The resemblence is remarkable.