First of all, this picture is of my dad, who is 93 years old and my grandson Parker, who at Christmas 2005 was about 3 1/2 months old. They are the oldest and the youngest members of my family. I think they look pretty happy together! Since the last picture and music had to do with lollipops, I thought what better follow up than to do a real life story about why I think my dad loves pancakes. I learned a while back, when my dad was a young boy, he would get up early with his six brothers and go out and do chores on the farm. They would get the chores done and then come back to the house for breakfast. Most of the time, breakfast would be eggs, bacon and toast. But, every now and then, on the way back to the house, my dad would smell something different. And, he would say to himself, "Oh boy, pancakes!" It was always a special treat. To this day, every time my dad goes out to eat, he orders pancakes. I suggested to him that maybe this early memory is one of the reasons he loves pancakes so much. He said, "It just might be. I never thought of that." He has invited me out to lunch for my birthday. I know we will go to his favorite place, and he will be having pancakes! Who knows? Maybe, I will too!