Sunday, February 26, 2006

Tradition Lives

Ok.......look at Derek's face! What do you see? What you see are love marks! They are on his forehead and on his cheek. Most of them are from me...his gramma. on his forehead is from his mama. Why is this important to note? It is important to note because when I left love marks on her face, she would wipe them off. It embarrassed her! it was when she was a teenager and I let her walk around the mall like that! I just want everyone to know that tradition lives and Davey and Derek will know the truth of it all.....their mom loves them and she will make sure they know it in spite of how it might embarrass them. I am just so darn lucky!


Adam Wright said...

That's a really good picture. I think I'm still walking around with love marks you gave me when I was 15!


Adam Wright said...

That's a really good picture. I think I'm still walking around with love marks you gave me when I was 15!


Judy Roo said...

you're welcome honey..laughing...I love you!!

Anonymous said...

Adam, enough of that. It is a cute picture, isn't it? At least we didn't have love marks like that when she let us walk around the mall! When my friend Kathy's 11-year old daughter is misbehaving at the store, Kathy threatens to sing! It always works. I remember that, too, Mom!!

Judy Roo said...

I have no idea what you are talking about derek's mommy..: )

Adam Wright said...

That poor boy...these picture is circling the may haunt him forever...

Judy Roo said...

hi adam...he will be able to be a witness for the power of love...just like you are with your love marks since you were 15 ..