Friday, February 17, 2006

Snow Sculpture

Snow and earth together in this picture have created a beautiful snow sculpture. Beauty is all around us if we slow down long enough to see it. I hope all of you have had a beauty-full day.


Anonymous said...

Hi Judy.
I sure love the pictures you post.
I have a passing interest in photography but looking at your wonderful pictures convinces me that, with my miserable productions,I should stick with the day job. But Judy,that said, why haven't we heard anything from you in a couple of days? I sure hope you are not having computer problems again and that we will see some postings from you soon.

Judy Roo said...

hi joe...thank you..tom took this picture and I asked to put it on the is a nice one...and thankfully, my computer is up and runnng well...and now that I have started with the audio feature, I hope to do some new and fun things and keep the postings coming on a regular basis again.