We were supposed to go to Sarah, Dave, Davey and Derek's home for Thanksgiving. Preparations were underway at their house and ours. I had the things I was supposed to bring ready and set to go. They had all been planning and getting things ready too. Davey, who is 3 1/2 has been excited for days. He even had mommy draw a picture of all the people he wanted to come. He had quite a list. He had mommy, daddy, himself, Derek, Great Grandpa (my dad), Great Grandma (my mom who is in heaven) Kpa (Tom), Gramma (me) Joe (his friend from Ireland) and Kallsen and Parker (two of his little cousins). I think he ran out of breath and mommy ran out of room before all the rest of the family could be put on the whiteboard drawing.
But, even though the sun is shining and things were seemingly in control, our day changed. All four of them are sick! Dave and Sarah must have a touch of the flu and both boys are feverish and getting colds.
So, we will all be thankful in our own homes today. I am so sorry you are sick Mommy, Daddy, Davey and Derek! I love you and we will share Thanksgiving on a different day! I hope you get better soon!
Joe tells me there is an old Irish saying, "It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good." That means most bad things that happen have a good result for someone. I wonder who that somebody else might be? So, if anyone feels a little extra luck today, this might be an explanation. This doesn't mean anyone is taking someone's misfortune lightly. It is just one of those sayings that has been around for years in Ireland.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my family. I love you Adam, Sara Beth, Joseph, Kallsen, Parker, Kara, Sam, Josh, Christopher and Amelia!