Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Merry Christmas Pictures

We had a beautiful Christmas! There was so much talking, laughter, anticipation, excitement, exhaustion and tears of tiredness and joy. I think we will do this again next year! Davey got new penguin jammies, Joseph got some cards he collects and I can't spell what they are! Parker got a sweet kiss from his daddy in addition to presents and one of my gifts was a wonderful sweatshirt from Davey's pre-school with his self portrait on it! I wore it to work today and felt like my heart was showing!

More Christmas pictures will be coming!

For tonight, I bid all of you good night and may the blessings of the season continue to fill your hearts!


Adam Wright said...

It was a good Christmas...Corn Starch and all...

Anonymous said...

It was a lovely Christmas! I wondered what it would be like this year, but it turned out that we had a very lovely, relaxed day. And another. Now we are off to the farm for another family Christmas. Hopefully this one will be lovely as well. We will be spending it at the farm.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you had such a nice christmas Judy and family...I am so honoured that, thanks to the wonders of modern technology, I was able to share some of it with you on web cam.
It was so nice to talk to Joseph and see Kalsen and Parker doing what they do best...bringing happiness into all your lifes.
I love you all!