Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Sometimes All We Need....

Sometimes, all we need in life is a little different perspective. Thank you Kara roo for showing us one way to get a different perspective.

Kara, (my second child), you used to do this all the time. Why, I don't know, but you seemed to be perfectly content being upside down.

Funny thing is, Kara darling, you grew up to be an upright girl that others can always lean on.


Anonymous said...

That is so cute reminds me of when i was a kid...Did I ever tell you I used to give hours standing on my head leaning against a tree in our yard?...I found it very relaxing provided I could keep the dog from licking my face...but I had a solution for that

Anonymous said...

That was so nice! Thank you Mom.

Judy Roo said...

laughing joe..yes, you did tell me how you spent hours standing on your head..that is why I wanted to find this picture of kara upsdide down...and I am thinking it is probably a good idea that you didn't share your solution for keeping the dog from licking your face...

Judy Roo said...

you're welcome kara roo...xo