Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Side Trip Story

Sarah, Dave, Davey and Derek went to Disneyworld the same week Tom, Joe and I went to South Carolina on the Amtrak. In the two pictures below the boys have their arms around each other, which in itself is darling.

Yesterday, when I was talking to Davey we talked about how nice I thought it was that they had their arms around each other. Davey said, "That is when we are getting along."

I asked him, "Can I put my arm around you too Punkin?" He said, "No, Gramma. You have to put both your arms around me because you are glad to see me!" When my heart was done melting I said, "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I can surely do that!

Side trips in life might last but a moment, but I wouldn't miss them for the world!


Anonymous said...

What a sweet story!! Great pictures of the boys too!

Anonymous said...

When I saw the boys like that I reached for my camera right away. These moments are few and far between (dare I say ever?). I got a little video of them, too. Asking if they loved each other. Davey said Yeah. Derek just looked at me. :)

Anonymous said...

Aw, what cuties....

Adam Wright said...

Looks almost like Derek is the big brother.