Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Sonny Roo Made Me Do It I like to have a little fun! I am a girl and I didn't want to have to shave my legs for the two weeks I am in Ireland. So, I had my legs waxed for the first time in 63 years. Owie!!

But, the fun didn't stop there. I decided to also treat myself to a pedicure for the first time in 63 years. I'm beginning to think I am a little late getting into this pampering business!

Iris, the wonderful lady who did my pedicure asked me if I wanted a flower painted on my toenail. I said, "Nooooooooo!" She looked at me with a question mark in her eyes and then I said, "But, can you do a shamrock?"

What better way to get ready to go to Ireland!

When I told my son, Adam, about it....he said..."Mom, you need to put that on the blog!" And, I always always always do what I am told.

Is that laughter I hear?

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