Friday, September 01, 2006

Out And About In Nenagh

Here you see Judy, Patt (Joe's friend and now ours), and Joe at the pub where we ate lunch. Once again the meals made my eyes get big as saucers as I tried to imagine eating my whole plate of food. Tom and I both had real Irish stew. It came on a plate rather than in a bowl. And, I am not talking a small plate. Nope! The stew was delicious and I was sorry to leave much of it on my plate.

After lunch, we went on to visit a place that Patt called as close to heaven that he knew. I will write about that in my next post. I can only say right now that I couldn't even get out of the car because it was so beautiful!! I just had to sit and breathe and take it in in small bits. I can only hope the pictures will do it the justice it deserves.

The Castle you see is Nenagh Castle and it is from the 1200's...the 13th century. The church is St. Mary's Catholic Church in Nenagh. It is exquisite in its beauty. The only other church that has taken my breath away is St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City.

More tomorrow!!

I love you and miss you! xoxo Mom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures. Great blog.