Wednesday, May 23, 2007

All Of A Sudden

I was sitting in my basement this afternoon doing what I love to do....working with pictures on my laptop and talking with my friend, Joe, from Ireland on instant messenger. In a flash, the weather went from overcast and calm to a stormy hurricane, or the closest thing I can imagine to it. The trees were bending and waving in the wind and the rain was coming down in torrents.
And, wait!! Was that hail I heard?

I turned on the TV to see if the weathermen were interrupting the daytime soaps. Sure enough they were. Then the sirens sounded and I went upstairs to get my money box, my purse and my cell phone. I always take those few things with me to the basement so that, in the worst case or almost the worst case scenario, I would have some cash, my ID and my cell phone to "reach out and touch someone."

Within a half hour all was well, at least for my area. And, I went to work and carried on as though it was just an ordinary day.

When my daughter, Sarah, sent me this picture of my grandson, Davey, tonight I just smiled. While I know the weather wasn't as severe in their area, there was something gentle and calming and reassuring and warming as I looked at Davey experiencing and enjoying today's rain.

I love this picture. I love the sheer innocence of it. I love the pure enjoyment of nature's gift to us. It made me stop in my tracks and breathe. It is such a simple picture and yet had such a profound affect on me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you were okay!