Friday, May 21, 2010

Two Things That Make Me Smile

I love the differences between what we call things here and what they are called in Ireland...

Two new examples of this are.....

The other day I was talking to Joe, our friend in Ireland, and he said he had to change the clock in his kitchen to say the correct time. It is high on his kitchen wall and he said he would have to stand on the "hop up." I thought...what? Oh, a step stool. Still makes me smile!

Then, a while ago, we were talking about roads. Joe said something about the dual carriageway. That is what we call a two lane highway. And, what we call a freeway, Joe calls a motorway.

Why does dual carriageway sound so much more romantic than two lane highway?

Now, only moments after I wrote this, I stand corrected.

Dual carriageways can also have two lanes of traffic in each direction with a median (or central reservation) between the lanes.

The new piece I just learned is the lane on the left, closest to the central reservation, is reserved for "overtaking."

Here we just pass the slow cars.

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