Saturday, January 23, 2010

Albino Squirrel

The other day I was sitting at the kitchen table looking out the patio door. It is my favorite view. I can get lost in my thoughts until something catches my eye and brings me back to the moment.

On this day, a few days ago, I saw the first albino squirrel I had ever seen in our back yard. It was cool!

Tom had his camera at the ready so he is the one who got the picture and took the video. I am glad he did! I must remember the rule in this house. Always have your camera ready because you never know what you are going to see.


sarah roo said...

That's really cool. The video "wasn't currently available", so I haven't seen it yet. I love the picture!

Theresa said...

Judy—the photo of the albino squirrel in the snow, very cool. Your voice comes through in your writing, that is nice.

Susan said...

This is absolutely fabuous. I've never seen an albino squirrel, but I know I would be out of my mind with excitement if I did see one. Thank you for sharing. In fact, thank you for sharing your entire life through your blog. What an amazing documentary of a beautiful life. It's wonderful that this can be shared with so many and kept for posterity. I look at this and see how priceless this is and will be for your children and grandchildren as the years pass and we all get older. Hats off to you Judy for an amazing work in progress.