Saturday, June 02, 2007

A Delay In The Travel

I talked with Tom a couple times today. They had a slight delay on their way to South Carolina. Adam's glasses broke last night so they called from Dubuque,IA this morning. They were in the mall there waiting for Adam's new glasses to be made up.

Later tonight I called Tom to catch him at the Waffle House in Indianapolis, Indiana. They were going to travel further tonight so they could have a shorter day of travel tomorrow.

Adam goes to work Monday morning and they want to get to their destination and do some unloading yet tomorrow night.

Wish them luck!

It not only takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to move a child and his family. The feeling doesn't change. I am going to miss you guys a lot!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Me too! I am so glad that I was able to be there on Friday to help out and see you guys one last time. My favorite part of the whole day was when Kallsen voluntarily gave me hug goodbye! I love all of you and will miss all of you!