Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Two Things

Two things touched me tonight as I watched tv. One was President Obama's response to a question he was asked as he discussed his first 100 days in office. The other one was a commercial for AT&T wireless phone service.

The question asked of President Obama was......."In your first 100 days in office, what has surprised you, troubled you, enhanced you and humbled you." There was a tittering of laughter in the room and one might have expected President Obama not to take the question seriously in the face of the other issues being raised.

But, President Obama said, "Let me write those down." And, he did. And, then, he proceeded to address them with thought and elegance and dignity. I was extremely impressed and touched by the thought that went into his answers. He was human. He is human. He is facing an enormous task as President of the United States and I appreciate so much his humanness as he dares to tred where not many of us would dare go and can so easily criticize.

The second thing that touched me was a commercial for AT&T phone service. It was a commercial for selling shoes. The owner of the shoe company said one line that touched me and made me think.

He said, "When you do well, you can do good." He does all his business over his phone I think he said. And, for every pair of shoes he sells, he gives one pair of shoes away." He has given hundreds of thousands of pairs of shoes away to needy children. It makes me want to cry.

To give from abundance and to make a difference touches me deeply. I know I believe we all have an abundance of something. It may not be money. It may be time or love or compassion or caring or a simple smile.

It feels good to really listen to people, take them seriously and to give out of our own gift of abundance, whatever that may be.


maryzona said...

amen to the listening part after talking to my sister in law for the last hour..she is japanese and her english is not so good..laffin but I love her and I know exactly what you mean

Lois said...

I loved the post. I wish everyone would get behind this man - the first leader we have ever had who is both mentally fit and physically fit - quite a necessity for the task at hand. We are lucky to have him.

love, Lois

sarah roo said...

I love him.

Kara said...

Really nice Mom. I didn't watch the press conference, but I will see if I can find it online. I would like to see that part. I also really liked what you said about giving... It is in these situations where we see God at work in our lives. It makes me smile!