Sunday, May 18, 2008

My Mother's Day (A Week Ago Now)

I had a nice Mother's Day. My daughter, Kara, came to church with me. There was a special performance and we were awestruck by the beauty of the service. I will tell you a little about the service below. Following church Tom, Kara and I went to lunch at The Olive Garden and talked and talked.

Just so you know I invited Kara and her whole family. But, the funny part is Kara didn't. She said, "I wanted to just have my mother's day with you and get you all to myself. Otherwise, I don't get to talk with you." So, Kara temporarily left her family to share mom's day with me.

My daughter, Sarah, gave me a beautiful bag with pictures of her boys on it. I will put a picture of that up too as soon as I take it. And, my son Adam, called from SC to say Happy Mother's Day. Tom gave me a digital photo frame which I have to put some pictures in yet. I am looking forward to doing that.

I think my family has me figured out. Every one of them knows how to make me feel loved!

Kara and Mom on Mother's Day May 11, 2008

Below is a portion of the Cantata, "The Weaver", performed at our church on Mother's Day. Tom sings in the sanctuary choir and Kara and I sat in the pew, listened to and watched the beautiful story of "The Weaver".

Ken Medema, the composer, is a musical storyteller with degrees in music and music therapy. He has been blind since birth. He plays the piano and sings what he sees with his heart.

I wish I had a video of the entire cantata. Watching Ken as the choir sang his words and the orchestra played his music was like watching him watch the music inside his darkness. His body knew every note and every word. It was magical to watch him hear and sing his own composition.

My favorite words sung by Ken start about halfway through this video. Here they are so you can read them if you want while he sings.

I see you, I hear you, I speak to you, I know you.
And the sound of your voice can bring tears to my eyes,
and the sight of your face can bring music to my breast, for I know you.

(How I wish I had been able to capture the rest of this part. I just wanted to cry the words and music were so beautiful)


Anonymous said...

Very nice JUDY and what a lovely song....What a wonderful idea Kara had of spending the day with you alone! You're wonderful JUDY, thank you for sharing....

Anonymous said...

It really was wonderful, wasn't it? Everything... the cantata was amazing, and being able to talk to you and Dad was great! And when I got home, Amelia had made me a happy mother's day banner and made me chocolate cupcakes. Sam had taken them to the store and Amelia and Josh picked out nice cards for me. Christopher made me a very lovely angel cross out of sticks and bark etc from the backyard, and made me a ceramic cover jar in school. It was all just so very lovely!

Anonymous said...

thank you so much Judy, you do make life wonderful for everyone you touch with your blog...

Life is great, at all times...Only in your eyes Life is even better..

My Mothers day was also beautiful, I was with my children and great grand children and we all were so happy...God Bless Us All

Thank you so much...Hugs June from Montreal Quebec Canada

Anonymous said...

Hi Judy Thanks so much. I really enjoyed your blog. It came on my Birthday 64. A true picker upper