Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Davey Reading Because He Wants To

Sarah sent an email today letting me know that Davey (I call him Punkin) had picked up a book today to read at the table. I think it was Goodnight Moon. He is 4 1/2 years old and loves to read and figure words out.

It looks like Derek might be helping out a little. I think Davey's expression says it all. How wonderful it is to watch a little one learn new things and enjoy them so much!

This evening the phone rang. I said. "Hello." And, Davey said, "Hi, Gramma!" I said, "Hi, Punkin!" And, Punkin said, "I want you to come over Gramma." I said, "I will come over real soon Punkin. I promise."

What is it about a simple phone call that makes you feel so loved?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lunar Eclipse And A Memory

Last night, February 20, 2008, we got to see the last total lunar eclipse until the year 2010. Even though it was cloudy the moon was quite visible.

I remember the first time I saw a lunar eclipse. It was winter and I must have been in second or third grade. We lived in an upstairs apartment across from the Chaska City Park. My friend, who lived next door to us, and I were ice skating on the ice rink her dad had made for her in their yard. I remember standing there knowing something magical was happening and just being aware of the cold on my face and seeing my breath in the air. That would have been maybe 58 years ago.

Some things in life just take your breath away. Some of those things still take your breath away.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Yet A New Visitor

We have lived in our house since August of 1979. How many years is that? I believe that comes out to be 28 1/2 years. We have seen pheasants, ducks, owls, bunnies, foxes, raccoons, deer, one wild turkey, something that looked like a very weird, quite tall, long legged cat that made me think it was a bobcat, and now the other day I looked out the patio door and said, "What is that?"

It seems we had yet a new visitor who must have smelled remnants of the crackers and cereal Tom and Amelia put out under the bird feeder. Our newest visitor is the first possum we have seen.

I just love living here!

Monday, February 18, 2008

All My Love My Darling

Here is another video of one of the songs the Chamber Singers did at the Valentine's dinner February 15.

Unchained Melody

Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Very Nice Night

On Friday night, February 15, Tom and I took our daughter, Kara and her husband, Sam, to a Valentine's Dinner/Concert at our church. Tom, who is a member of the Chamber Singers, was part of the entertainment.

We had a choice of either Glazed Game Hen or Pork Roast, couscous, vegetables and a yummy delicious salad with warm rolls and breadsticks. Dessert was a beautiful sponge cake with the lightest, airiest cream filling and chocolate icing.

There was, however, a near mishap toward the end of the meal. You know how you save the best and the last bite of the dessert to savor?

Well.....let me tell you....the lady clearing the table had her hand on my dessert plate with the saved bite still sitting there and was about to remove my plate ..... HELP!

I don't think I have ever moved so fast or grabbed a hand so quickly! Add sound effects to this scene and you can imagine the surprise and laughter that fell upon the faces of all those at the table. All turned out well!

The nice lady put my plate down with the deepest apologies and left me in peace to savor that glorious bite of splendid sponge cake!

It was a nice night!

Below is a video of one of the songs the Chamber Singers sang! I hope it works for you to hear it!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Today Is Better

I had a better night last night. While I still woke up early, I did not wake up in pain. I feel like I am coming down off the Prednisone. I have three more days in the weaning off process, but I already feel like maybe my body is returning to my pre-Prednisone and pre-Percoset state. And, in the last few days I have been feeling twinges in my thigh that make me think maybe the nerve is loosening up or something.

I have so little personal experience with health issues that I feel out of control when something like this happens. I guess that is a good thing. It seems the only other option would be to have experience which I really don't want either.

Ok....where is the good option here?

On the lighter side, I have lost 10.2 lbs now on my weight loss/lifestyle change program.

And, I received a beautiful basket of hand-dipped fruit last night from two lovely clients. The chocolate was decadent and the fruit delicious. Imagine if you can.....3 people...6 hands...3 pairs of lips covered in chocolate as we made our way through just a few of the delectable bites!

I am a happy and a lucky girl!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Pinched Nerve

About a week ago I woke up with what has been diagnosed as a pinched nerve. I had pain in my right hip and parts of my right thigh are still numb and hurt at times. I can honestly say I have never experienced pain like that before. I didn't sleep for two nights because I couldn't find anyplace or any position that was comfortable. It is a sad story when the most comfortable place in the house is lying on the bathroom floor touching cold porcelain for comfort.

I wish I was joking!

I have been to the chiropractor twice. My pain was so bad, he sent me to my doctor. She has put me on two medications...Prednisone for the inflammation and Percoset for the pain. I have discontinued the Percoset and am weaning off the Prednisone and for the first time in several nights I woke up with pain. And, that is why I decided to write a post today.

Maybe just talking about it a little will calm my thoughts.

I will see how the day goes and whether or not Ibuprofen will ease the pain. I don't want to take the Percoset. While it relieves the pain, I don't like the feeling or the reality I live in with it in my system. And, the truth is it keeps me on the other side of my freedom to be independent.

No driving on narcotics!

I will keep you posted and will accept any and all good energy and prayers for this new situation to be relieved and be back to my good health, have freedom from pain and some regained freedom of movement I have always had and appreciated.

Judy February 13, 2008....Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Where Did The Time Go?

March 16 is coming up, and not only is it a special day since it is my birthday, but it marks the first day of the rest of my life. I know that sounds funny, but it feels so true.

I have not totally gone over the edge. I am just aware that when I was young, turning 65 seemed like something old people did and then all kinds of things changed. They talked about changing their health care providers and the doctors they could go to. My having to think about those things seemed a long way off.

Social Security Administration Building

Now, it is my turn. Last week, I visited the Social Security Administration to apply for Medicare. And, this week, I will visit my insurance agent to sign up for the supplemental plan that will cover what Medicare won't cover. And, now my new best friend's name is Mrs. Edwards who resides in the above building. Thank you Mrs Edwards for all your help. I wish I had gotten a picture of you.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Loving What You Do

I read an article today in my SparkPeople site (the online site I am using for my weight loss - change of lifestyle eating program, It was about loving what you do, feeling satisfied with what you do and how lucky some people are to have a job that they love to do. The article referenced sports as an example.

But, it went on to talk about how we can love what we need to do as well as love what we like to do. A lot of things fall into the first category...the things we need to do.

The article listed several ingredients that make doing what we need to do (the ones we don't especially enjoy) enjoyable and satisfying.

They are.............attentiveness to what we are doing....using our skills and talents....and using our creativity and imagination.

The author's example had to do with how to get back into exercise and how he ended up finding out that he loved to climb mountains and how it provided better exercise than going to his workout club and doing the stairmaster. He needed to be attentive, skillful and creative to keep his balance and not fall off the mountain.

The example that came to my mind was how to get the housework done (like cleaning the tub) when I had three little children within 18 months of each other vying for my attention. So, when it came time to do things, I made up little songs that made my work fun, entertained them and hopefully showed them that doing things we have to do can be enjoyable.....and the tub got cleaned to the song........

This is the way we clean the tub, clean the tub, clean the tub....this is the way we clean the early in the morning!

Can't you just smell the Comet and see three happy little faces as they watch their mom cleaning the tub? (She, of course, has a smile on her face too)

Not exactly climbing mountains is it? But, maybe it is the same thing. Sometimes, having to do things we don't want to do is like trying to either climb or move a mountain. I think the same principles apply.

Sometimes, climbing any kind of mountain is as much a mental game as a physical exercise. I, for one like to make what I have to do fun and enjoyable.

After all, this is the only day I know I have and I want to enjoy it no matter what I have to do!

Postscript....I am in my fifth week now of my new eating program and I have lost 9.2 lbs. I am right on target for losing between one and two pounds a week. I feel good, continue to be motivated and am using all the ingredients I have talked about in this post to make this journey fun and enjoyable, because it will be for life. I am attentive, using my good skills of thinking through things when I go to the grocery store and am being creative with eating some new and different foods.

Picture of me on February 5, 2008

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Watching The Deer

(The music is Dante's Prayer)

The photos in the slideshow are ones I took while Tom was taking video. The videos are featured in the following two posts. I hope the slideshow and the videos will work well for you. It was a spectacular morning watching the deer.

If you allow popups on this page, you can click an individual picture and see it as a still photo. I just discovered this feature.

Full Video Of The Deer From This Morning

This is the full deer video made up of all the smaller individual videos Tom took this morning. I think he did a great job capturing the scene in our back yard. Welcome to MY world!

Backyard Beauty On A Saturday Morning

Last weekend was a great weekend. Three of our grandchildren, Josh (17), Christopher (15) and Amelia (10) stayed with us from Friday night until Sunday afternoon. We did lots of great stuff which I will write about later. But one of the things we did, (that I think was pretty great) was go through my pantry and throw things away and organize the foods that weren't expired.

Some of the food from the pantry

Two neatly organized shelves

I have to tell you that was quite the job! We have been in our house since August of 1979 and I am a little leary about telling you that I doubt it has been seriously looked at and cleaned out since that time. That very fact, however, provided food (haha) for thought and humor!

Here is a picture of Jello with pictures of the Power Rangers on the front and each box had a Power Rangers trading card in it. Josh and Christopher pointed out that these were the original Power Rangers. Not surprisingly, the trading cards were GONE and the jello was still there. Hmmmmmmm, want to explain that Josh? (Josh was the one who really loved the Power Rangers when he was a little boy.) See what I mean about food for thought and humor?

Power Rangers Jello with NO trading cards in the boxes

We got rid of some old oatmeal, cereal and graham crackers that Tom crushed up. He and Amelia took it out to the back yard and put it under the bird feeder.

This morning, as we were sitting around enjoying the day, four deer made their way to the food. First one came, then the second and soon the third and finally the fourth. They just came and ate and wandered around the area. It seems they felt totally safe with the exception of the fourth deer that we think must have been the mama. She was wary and kept a close watch on us.

Below are two of the videos Tom was able to take through the window in our fireplace room. I took lots of pictures that I will post later.

I hope you are able to view the videos. I called Amelia right away to tell her that the deer had found the food she and grandpa had left out for them. (And, much as you wanted to put the food on the back deck....this was a much better decision!!! I love you!)