Sunday, February 25, 2007

Winter White Winter Light

Winter came to Minnesota last night. We got nine inches at our house and the snow is making a beautiful blanket of white this morning. Tom went down to get the paper and took the yardstick with him. People will be out today shoveling and snowblowing their driveways and sidewalks. It will be hard work and I encourage everyone who must deal with the snow to be safe and take it easy.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Well, I Did It Because I Had To

The skid marks toward change have now become footsteps toward the future! (Judy)
Yep, I had to do it! My blogging site gave me no choice. A while back this blogging site offered us bloggers the new and improved version. I learned a long time ago that new and improved does not always mean new and improved. I wish I could remember the name of the cereal I just loved when my kids were small. It was something that had graham cracker squares in it or something. I just loved it! Then, one day, the new and improved version came out and I didn't like it nearly as well. So, my favorite cereal became just a distant and loved memory, and I had to move on to something else. So far, my blog looks the same and I have yet to explore new features that might make it even better. I will state clearly here for any of you who don't know me all that well yet...........I really don't like change unless it is my idea! Ok, so now I am laughing! I can hear my followers saying to themelves..."Whose world does she live in?" I can also hear the people who know me very well, saying......"She lives in her own world!"
Now, that I have taken the leap toward the new blogger I will be blogging again on a regular basis.
The skid marks toward change have now become footsteps toward the future! (Judy