Saturday, February 22, 2014

This Little Light Of Mine has been a long time since I have posted.  I think Facebook has become the new and simplest way of communicating.  But, I miss the unique benefits and enjoyment of blogging.  And, if I am not friends with people on Facebook, I can't connect with them, and, I miss that.

Here in Minnesota the last two days we have been under a state emergency per our governor, Mark Dayton.  Motorists have been advised to stay off the treacherous roads both for their own safety and the benefit of road crews to deal with the winter weather battered roads.

It is one thing to be able to go out if you want in bad weather, and quite another if you really know you shouldn't go out.  One has more of a trapped feeling.  But, then, if you know you shouldn't/can't go out, there is a need to rely on your imagination, resources and creativity to make entrapment not only tolerable, but fun.

Hence.............this video : )

I so hope you enjoyed this video and maybe sang along or clapped or smiled or felt your day lift just a little bit!

Love, Judy