Thursday, January 12, 2012

In The Arms of the Angels

Oh, how I hope this works. At the bottom of this post is a link to click on to hear this most beautiful song sung by Sarah McLachlan and Josh Groban.

I got this in an email today from a site I have really enjoyed. It is so beautiful and gives me some peace with the passing of my dad.

I wasn't expecting to feel the grief, the way I am, as I took my Christmas decorations down. I realized that once Christmas was over, there was nothing between me and the grief anymore. So, I started to feel.

I also realized as I looked at pictures of my mom and dad, that so long as my dad was alive, my mom was still here too. Now, it feels like I have lost both of them.

My mom died in 2001. I know it makes no sense. But, that is the way it is hitting me.

Who am I to question life?

Who am I to question death?

Last night, as I lay in bed, I got an image of my mom and dad as they were in a picture from long ago. It made me smile and brought me some peace.I wonder when the images of my dad will go away. Perhaps, never.

I find it hard to look at pictures. And, when I look at videos, it is his voice that I love. So, in the arms of the angels, my dad is pain free and holding my mom in his arms.

Please click on the link below to hear this beautiful song.

Love, Judy


Esther said...

This is my favorite song of Sarah's. It's nice to know it gives you comfort.

Wendy said...


WOW! Soooo beautiful. I love the singing and I love the photo of your Mom and Dad.
Such a sweet duet.
Thank You!

Redtulip said...

that was simply beautiful thanks Judy for sharing, huggggggggggggs

Lila said...

Wonderful posts, I read them all .....big hugssssss, knowing you are still grieving your loss...or losses, and I have a feeling it never goes away, I don't even want to think about losing either or both of my parents.....its the good memories that will get you thru.....loved the song, just beautiful!!! Take care,

Kara said...

I know exactly what you mean. I have felt the same way about now that Grandpa is gone, I feel like Grandma is gone too. It is so different. It suprises me the extent of the feeling of loss. Not just of Grandma and Grandpa, but of the structure of our family... it is hard to put words to.

I am sorry you are so sad Mom. I wish I could be there with you helping you put stuff away and just sitting together and talking as we need to. I love you.

Kim G said...

I love that picture. What a way to think of them in heaven in each other arms. Beautiful!

Susan said...

Judy, My father died 43 years ago (I wass 19.)He was 63 years old. In March of 2001, my mother passed away at 92. I have always missed my father no matter how many years have passed. But when my mother moved on, I felt devastated even though she was much older and I thought I would be more prepared.

While cleaning out my mother's things I found the letters my father had sent my mother when they were "courting" and after they were married. There were many letters. Every night I would read a new letter until I had read them all. Those letters carried me through. They brought my parents alive again at a time and age when I didn't know them. They were young. I saw their deep love through their young eyes. It was uplifting and energizing to me because now I knew them better than ever.

I held on to those letters and shared them with my brother and sister. Those letters carried me through my grief and gave me a sense of peace that I thought I had lost.

I pray that you can find some solace in remembering the full and love-filled life you parents had together. Love, Susan

Jane said...

Hi Judy!

I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your father. One never will understand how difficult it is until both parents are gone. My mother died fourteen years ago, December 15 and my dad died three years later…Christmas has never been the same since. I often reflect back and can visualize all of the laughter we shared as a family and happy memories. I hope that all wonderful memories of your parents will help to get you through the difficult days ahead…the feeling of being an “orphan” is very lonely, but time will help. You’re in my thoughts and prayers.

Love you!


Judy said...

Just a note to say I think the song is beautiful. The memories never go away. The hurt eventually becomes a memory. My Dad died in 1987 and Mom in 2010. I think of them all the time. I do so many things the way my Mom did. It never ends. Take care. Judy