Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Gonna Bring Them Home

It is 12:37 p.m. Just after noon. I am smiling. I am happy. I am relieved. The sun is shining. I talked to Sarah.

I made a suggestion. I said, "I would like you to think about coming here after the hospital for your recovery.....all of you."

She talked to Dave. Dave said, "What a blessing and a gift."

We will figure it out....how to get the boys to school...where everyone will sleep....food...someone will always be here with her.....we will make sure of that.....the problems to solve feel simple now...at least to me.

Now, I am in my element. I am Sarah's mom and I am bringing my daughter and her family home. I can hardly breathe. I am bringing them all home. They are my family and I am bringing them home.


Esther said...

WOW! This is awesome!

lisauk said...

Judy , I feel has though I'm living this anguish with you all ..
My heart was beating when you made your minds up to bring the family home, Its just makes sence..the kids are going to have gramma an grandad..lots a love an your going to feel better if you can see your Doughter..
God bless u all Love from the uk

Judy Roo said...

I know!!! Isn't it just wonderful!!

Kara said...

That's great Mom!

Susan said...

How Perfect!

Sylvia said...

Home with mom is the BEST place to be....

The boys will LOVE it too! grammas love is like no other :)

Maryzona said...

Your one amazing woman Judy..