Tuesday, November 04, 2008

While America Is Voting The Doe Makes Me Smile

What a day today was. It still isn't over. Our local news is televising election pandemonium, hysteria and results. It is an historic election for President this year and an election year that will be talked about for generations to come.

I wonder how many truly historic things I have been alive for. I don't know.

I do know that in the midst of history being made, groceries still need to be bought and planning for the holiday season still must be done. So, today after I voted, I bought both groceries and some Christmas gifts.

And, when I came home, I pulled into the garage and got out of the car to unload the trunk, I saw something that made history seem less important and made life in the moment something to smile about.

Lucky for me I had my camera handy. I hope you enjoy the video!


Adam Wright said...

A nice break from a long day. Thanks for sharing.

Judy Roo said...

you're welcome honey...I am sure you are exhausted...what a day you must have had..sleep well..

Anonymous said...

Very nice.

Anonymous said...

That is a historically large rabbit!LOL thanks for sharing and we send our love and prayers!