Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Davey Reading Because He Wants To

Sarah sent an email today letting me know that Davey (I call him Punkin) had picked up a book today to read at the table. I think it was Goodnight Moon. He is 4 1/2 years old and loves to read and figure words out.

It looks like Derek might be helping out a little. I think Davey's expression says it all. How wonderful it is to watch a little one learn new things and enjoy them so much!

This evening the phone rang. I said. "Hello." And, Davey said, "Hi, Gramma!" I said, "Hi, Punkin!" And, Punkin said, "I want you to come over Gramma." I said, "I will come over real soon Punkin. I promise."

What is it about a simple phone call that makes you feel so loved?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How wonderful!